Le dossier https://github.com/soundscapecloud/soundscape
Achetez vous un serveur:
Microserveur HP ProLiant Gen10 AMD
Serveur DELL PowerEdge T110
Si vous avez un peu de temps devant vous, je vous présente Soundscape. Ce script encapsulé sous la forme d’une image Docker à déployer sur n’importe quel serveur, vous permettra d’avoir en un claquement de doigts, votre propre serveur de streaming musical.
Try a cloud server for free at portal.cloud
Run Soundscape on a VPS
Running Soundscape on a VPS is designed to be as simple as possible.
1. Get a server
Recommended Specs
Type: VPS or dedicated
Distribution: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
Memory: 512MB
Storage: 5GB+
Recommended Providers
2. Add a DNS record
Create a DNS A record in your domain pointing to your server’s IP address.
Example: music.example.com A
3. Enabling Let’s Encrypt (optional)
When enabled with the –letsencrypt flag, soundscape runs a TLS (« SSL ») https server on port 443. It also runs a standard web server on port 80 to redirect clients to the secure server.
Your server must have a publicly resolvable DNS record.
Your server must be reachable over the internet on ports 80 and 443.
4. Run the static binary
Replace amd64 with arm64 or armv7 depending on your architecture.